Archive for February 29th, 2008

Bit of Playing

It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything on here… I’ve been trying to keep up with the photo a day and with everything else going on which in January and February means wrestling tournaments… The past two weeks I was forced to change pace. I managed to catch the flu which my son brought home from school and then about a week later ended up with pneumonia which I’m still recovering from. Today was the first day I’ve manged to do much and I decided to sit down and play a bit in photoshop. I haven’t done a NAPP battle in a while so I did the 105th battle. NAPP is the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and each week an image is posted and people “photoshop” it to create an image.

Here is this weeks starting image

And below is what I did with it…

It was fun to play around a bit…

Went back and fixed a couple things like the shadow for the paint brush I had forgotten to add and I didn’t like the texture of the yellow paint above so here is an updated image.