My sister-in-laws asked if I could come up with an image to use as a wine label for one of their parent’s 50th Anniversary and this is what I came up with – Happy Anniversary Maxine & Russ!
And Happy Thanksgiving Too!
My sister-in-laws asked if I could come up with an image to use as a wine label for one of their parent’s 50th Anniversary and this is what I came up with – Happy Anniversary Maxine & Russ!
And Happy Thanksgiving Too!
Delayed posting on this one… I did this battle back in August however I never got around to posting it here. The starting image is to the right.
I’ve been meaning to play around with the updated 3D engine in Photoshop CS6 and try to get the hang of the rotation/movement along the plane tools and this gave me a good excuse. Continue reading “NAPP Battle 337: 3D/firepit”
Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to play around in Photoshop or work on my own sites lately… the flip side of it, I’ve been quite busy work wise… just isn’t quite a fun.
Last week I managed to play around with the NAPP weekly battle.. hopefully I will get around to posting those a bit later… I also play around with this weeks’ image. The starting image is to the right.
I decided it was a nice day for a crab photoshoot…. sadly for the crabs, sxc.hu didn’t have any good cameras…