Posts Tagged ‘ Quotes ’

Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday of Holy Week

Today’s Reading comes from a treatise on John by St Augustine. It is a call to reflection on the Eucharist… the Lord’s Table. But it is also more. Public Masses are suspended around the world and yet the Father through Christ and the Holy Spirit still provides for each and everyone of his children. How do we approach what is set before us on the “Table of Life”? Do we come to this table Arrogant and Demanding what we feel or expect to be our right in an attempt to fulfill our own will, wants, desires? Or do we approach the table with humility and take only that which is needed and ours by a vocation in desire of fulfilling God’s will?
There are so many amazing stories right now of how Nature is “healing” from the damage we have done from our own lust for more. This lust, this desire, will never be fulfilled by material means. It can only be fulfilled spiritually by humbly accepting God’s vocation. Be that vocation as Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu… the mystical traditions of all of these are based on allowing God to become an indwelling fountain of living water. Not something stagnated or polluted… but pure living water… If more live it spiritually… then the Kingdom of Heaven will Come materially… If we live materially… spiritually, our souls will become as our material waters here on earth… how we approach the “Table of Life” and treat what is presented on the “Table of Life” makes all the deference, regardless of Religion…

If you’d like to read the full Office of Readings for today, they can be found at:

If you have questions about what the Office of Readings and/or the Liturgy of the Hours, feel free to PM me…

Tuesday of Holy Week

Tuesday of Holy Week

Today’s Reading comes from the book “On the Holy Spirit” by Saint Basil the Great, bishop. Basil of Caesarea was a 4th Century theologian who was a powerful advocate of the Nicene Creed and is recognized as a Doctor of the Church by the Roman Catholic Church. If you are interested in the Holy Spirit his book is a great resource. I pulled it out to take the photo with a palm from last year’s Palm Sunday….
You can read the Office of Readings for today, Tuesday of Holy Week at: The 2nd Reading, quoted here, is the last reading in the Office of Readings before a response and final prayer.

Monday of Holy Week

Monday of Holy Week

The Office of Readings is my favorite devotion… it is part of the Official Liturgy of the Church. I posted a quote yesterday from Palm Sunday’s readings and this morning it occurred to me that it would be nice to put a quote within an image during Holy Week… So an image has been added to yesterday’s post and here is today’s.
Today’s Office of Readings for Monday of Holy Week can be read at: Universalis

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Office of Readings
I found the 2nd reading for the Office of Readings today (Palm Sunday) really powerful. It ended with “Let our souls take the place of the welcoming branches as we join today in the children’s holy song: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel.” It is not the externals, receiving or not receiving palms that makes a difference…
The entire piece can be read at: scroll down to the 2nd Reading “From the discourse “On the Palm Branches” by Saint Andrew of Crete”