It has been a very long time since I’ve had a chance to do a NAPP battle – in fact looking back at my blog posts to find out how long I realized the last two I did are not posted so I will put them at the end of this posting.
The idea with the NAPP Battles is to take a common starter image and modify it to create a new image/composite.
The starting image for this week is to the right – I decided to try to make her look less gloomy…
And now for the previous two battles I did…
Snowman we made yesterday evening during a lull in the snow storm. They were saying we were to get at least 12? but we ended up with 5-6? of very wet snow… not fun to clear when it is wet but it does make a nice snowman!
Luckily, we got to the driveway at 6am before the neighbors decided to drive on it so everything is clear now…