Archive for November, 2008

Photo a Day

Back in January I made a New Year’s resolution to try to keep up with the photo-a-day on pBase… I didn’t make it too far… Figured I’d start trying again in hopes I can keep it up while Mike has to travel next year…

This is one of the last leaves on our weeping cherry tree out front. I love the colors these leaves turn.

Weeping Cherry Tree Leaf

Interesting observation from saving this in Photoshop CS4 – the Save for Web is supposed to give you options as to how much metadata you want left on the image – no mater what I chose, it stripped it all so apparently there is a bug there somewhere.

NAPP Battle Week 140

Here is the starting image for this week.

I played around with the new image clone source in CS4 which only shows the overlay from the source you are cloning in the brush area… Using another image from stockexchange I came up with this while working on my laptop last night…