There was about 10″ this morning at 8 and another 2 fell before it tapered off…
We had fun clearing this as it is almost to the top of the snow thrower. Had to go really slow through it and it really didn’t want to go up the driveway. By the time we finally made it up the driveway, the belt on the blower slipped… and then I turned it off so we could check it… not a good idea apparently. The load going up the driveway had drained the battery and it wouldn’t start. So we had to turn it manually and then I ‘sled’ it down the hill back to the garage…
Mike dropped the blower mechanism and re-ran the belt while I put a battery charger on the battery and then started shoveling off the steps.
Once the tractor was back in commission, things went a bit smoother as I could drive up the driveway in the cleared path and then blow a strip of snow on the way back down. It did a nice job of it!
Once we were done, a plow hired by the neighbors below us came down the driveway quite quickly… they stopped and started trying to plow the neighbors section. Stopped and backed up… tried again… finally Mike went over and talked to the guy. He wanted to know who had cleared our driveway and Mike told him we did with the tractor. He gave it another try with the snow plow. Then he backed up in our driveway and left… leaving a 5-6 foot wall of snow in the neighbors drive…
So that has been the fun of the day. Will have to go out again and clean up the top of the hill once the town gets done clearing the road and blocking us in…