Woke up to cloudy skies and rain again this morning. Taking a look outside I noticed that the blossoms on the weeping cherry were past prime and realized that I haven’t made it out to take any photos of them this year. They really don’t stay around more than 3-4 days and my camera has only been taken out a few times this month for family photos on Easter and Jon’s gymnastics demo on Monday. Comes down to time constraints – unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day. Though it would only take a few moments to take it out and look at life, I often find myself scurrying through it instead. Yet on this rainy day, being reflectful, I decided it was high time to take the camera out for a few moments just to capture the day… Just a couple glass birds on the window ledge. The blue one was purchased in the gift shop of the hotel I stayed in while interviewing to become an instructor for the Navy in 1991. My husband’s grandmother had one just like it and I had admired it when we went up and visited her a few months prior. The other used to be yellow and was bought shortly after we bought the house in 2000.