Hard to believe I haven’t posted since 24 August… Well actually maybe not… I lost a harddrive in there right before Labor Day Weekend… No data was lost – luckily I regularly backup… but it did take awhile to get things back up and running smoothly.
I rendered some cylinders in Illustrator and then set the image as the surface to come up with with the fireworks. The wicks were made with a custom brush I created in Photoshop and the fire was simple painted:
Then there was Battle 132‘s starting image:
I used the pen tool in photoshop to trace several of the front petals and then took 3 of the petals and morphed them into a butterfly wing. That was then duplicated and rotated about the horizon to create the butterfly…
Finally, last weeks (Battle 133) image was:
The framing on this was created using another image from stock-exchange of a bamboo ladder.